We celebrated My son's 10th Birthday yesterday. Each birthday of each year that my children celebrate is a day that I can't help but take a look at the future as well as a look back.
Look back on the day he was born every minute etched into my memory from that day. The day I welcomed him into the world. Held him tightly and tried to take in every second because I knew then, that time continues whether you are ready or not , it just keeps ticking.
A look into the future and a countdown to even more milestones like driver's licenses, graduations, and what the future might hold. With each year they get older I can put myself into the "number" and remember it like yesterday...The double digits,The Teenage years, the friends , the relationships, the heartaches, the triumphs and the struggles. Wasn't I just 16, 19 and 23 just last week? When I think that my oldest son will be 15 in just a few months , I think ...how can that be when I'm only 25...?
All of these ages shape who you are and who you will become. The things you learn the places you see, the people you meet along the way and the pieces of your heart that you can salvage when it gets shattered.....mold and shape you. The rights and wrongs that teach you lessons that could never have be learned if not through experience.
My baby boy is 10 years old. He is wise beyond his years and teaches me new things all the time. He knows even before I do that something is bothering me and is ready to help me take it on. Recently, I was upset about some family matters and as I hung up the phone from quite and emotional call he said" Mommy what's the matter?" I said
" Oh Honey it's adult stuff that you don't need to worry about."
"But Mom, I worry about you, and I don't want you to cry"
"Honey, sometimes Moms need to cry and then we will be okay"
" But Mom, you can tell me.......Mom...I won't tell any..body"
And I'm sure he wouldn't tell because he's my biggest little hero, ready to help fix what's wrong. Maybe that's why he gives such tight hugs.
So slow down, try something new, take the road less traveled and linger on the hug just a moment longer and ENJOY!